Bladder Cancer
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Bladder Cancer
Bladder Cancer

What Are The Symptoms And Signs Of Bladder Cancer?
If you have one or more of these symptoms, it does not mean that you have Bladder Cancer. However, it is important to see a doctor so that any illness can be diagnosed and treated as early as possible.
Superficial Bladder Cancer:
Invasive Bladder Cancer:
Surgery to remove the bladder is the most common treatment for Invasive Bladder Cancer, cancer that has spread into or beyond the muscle layer of the bladder wall, and provides the best opportunity for a long-term cure for most patients.
For patients whose tumours require surgery to remove the entire bladder, it is also necessary to remove the surrounding lymph nodes to help prevent cancer recurrence or metastasis. In women, this procedure also involves the removal of the lower portion of the ureters, the uterus, fallopian tubes, the ovaries, and sometimes part of the vaginal wall and the urethra. In men, the prostate gland, the lower portion of the ureters, and sometimes the urethra is removed.
After removing the bladder, surgeons must create a new way for the body to store and eliminate urine. The historical approach called an Ileal Conduit, required a patient to wear a bag on the outside of the body to collect urine. During this procedure, a conduit for the urine was created using a segment of the small intestine. It transferred urine directly from the kidneys and ureters and required a stoma on the skin to funnel the urine into the collection bag.
For people whose urethra has been removed, an internal bladder is created and then attached directly to the abdominal wall. A stoma is attached to the internal bladder, and the patient inserts a catheter into the stoma to eliminate the stored urine. It takes about three to five minutes to empty the bladder this way.
Many patients with muscle-invasive Bladder Cancer are treated with chemotherapy before or after surgery, using M-VAC or other regimens that have fewer side effects, to help prevent the recurrence of cancer.